
Background: Obesity is a major health problem worldwide and in India also & is a major risk factor associated with significant morbidity and mortality due to comorbid conditions. Surgery is the only effective modality for significant and sustained weight loss & in resolution of associated diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea and osteoarthritis. Laparoscopic Bariatric surgery is a unique field, this proven surgical approach provide marked improvement in quality of life with quick recovery. Methods: Retrospective data analysis of 145 laparoscopic bariatrics surgery 123 LSG & 22 RYGBP done in patients of morbid obesity alone or with T2DM , HT was analyzed in the study Over a period of three years with mean follow up period of 1-2 years. Patients were evaluated in terms of resolution of percentage weight loss & T2DM. Results: In Present study 145 cases of bariatric surgery (mainly SG & RYGB) were included. Significant weight control of around 40-60 kgs was observed. BMI reduction shift from 29-77 to 21.1-46.6kg/m2 was recorded. In all diabetes pt, post op reduction in HbA1c <6 (<6 normal value) 40% pt & near normal range in 35 % proves significant resolution in status of T2DM. Finally LSG & RYGBP showed almost similar result in % weight reduction & glycemic control. Conclusions: Thus I conclude bariatric LSG / LRYGBP are a definite choice for patient of only morbid obesity & morbid Obesity with T2DM & give adequate resolution of problem & adds to quality of life of patient with cosmetic & therapeutic benefits

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