
economic analysis of laser land levelling (LLL) in comparison with conventional land levelling (CLL) was exercised by the study. Karnal district was selected purposively only because it was having highest area under paddy-wheat cropping pattern in the state. Different cost concepts were used to analyse economic impact of laser land levelling. As laser land levelling has major impact on irrigation use efficiency that’s why Karnal district was most appropriate for study because it was having major cropping pattern as paddy and wheat which incorporate water thirsty crops. Total cost under laser land levelling was Rs125392 and Rs95037 while under conventional land levelling it was Rs126918 and Rs 98667 for paddy and wheat respectively. Gross returns under LLL were Rs 155480 and Rs 115880 while under CLL they were Rs148228 and 113798 for paddy and wheat respectively. Net Returns under LLL were Rs 30088 and Rs 20843 while under CLL they were Rs 21310 and Rs 15132 for paddy and wheat respectively. Benefit cost ratio under LLL was 1.24 and 1.18 while under CLL it was 1.17 and 1.15 for paddy and wheat respectively. These results shows economic profitability of LLL over CLL and recommended to adopt LLL on wider scale and tap benefits of this resource conservation technology.

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