
DNA-based molecular-marker techniques have been proven powerful in genetic diversity estimations. Among them, RFLP was the first and is still the most commonly used in the estimation of genetic diversity of eukaryotic species. The recently developed PCR-based multiple-loci marker techniques, which include RAPD, AFLP, Microsatellite-AFLP and inter-SSR PCR, are playing increasingly important roles in this type of research. Despite the wide application of these techniques, no direct comparison of these methods in the estimation of genetic diversity has been carried out. Here we report a direct comparison of DNA-based RFLP with various PCR-based techniques regarding their informativeness and applicability for genetic diversity analysis. Among ten pea genotypes studied, all the PCR-based methods were much more informative than cDNA-RFLP. Genetic diversity trees were derived from each marker technique, and compared using Mantel's test. By this criterion, all trees derived from the various molecular marker techniques, except for the tree derived from inter-SSR PCR, were significantly correlated, suggesting that these PCR-based techniques could replace RFLP in the estimation of genetic diversity. On the basis of this result, AFLP analysis was applied to assess the genetic diversity of a sample of accessions representing the various species and subspecies within the genus Pisum.

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