
Introduction. Vibratory transport machines are widely used in the mining industry and other sectors of production. A more detailed analysis of working body oscillation parameters and vibration exciters self-synchronization is required to design vibratory transport machines with new properties. Vibratory machine dynamics was studied with a mathematical model, which made it possible to discover some interesting phenomena, for example, the effect that the authors called the effect of lasting self-synchronization. Research objective is to experimentally confi rm the discovered phenomena using a laboratory shaker and assess the degree of these phenomena resistance. Methods of research. In order to confi rm and carry out the follow-up study of the discovered phenomena, DVM-014 laboratory training facility was designed and manufactured. A set of experiments with two and three vibration exciters were carried out with the help of this facility. Results. The article presents the results of experiments on detecting the effect of lasting self-synchronization under confi gurations with two and three vibration exciters and this phenomenon resistance to the changing position of the machine’s center of mass. Changes in the machine parameters are also given when either one of the two or two of the three vibration exciters are switched off. Summary. Several conclusions have been made based on the experimental results. The most important of them in terms of technology is the following. The phenomenon of lasting selfsynchronization, if any, can be useful when there are pauses in the machine loading. It will signifi cantly reduce energy consumption by switching off one or two motors.

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