
Medicinal plants are reservoir of bioactive compounds or phytochemicals (terpenoids, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids and so on) with marked pharmacological properties such as; antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesics, antiprotozoal, cytotoxic, anti-androgenic, antiviral, antipyretic, antitumor, anti-depressant, hypolipidemic and antihelminthic activities. This study was designed to examine the comparative analysis of ethanolic Juniperus thurifera leaf, stem bark and root extract using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Result obtained shows that Juniperus thurifera leaf extract contained 33 bioactive compounds which accounts to 75.47 % while Juniperus thurifera stem bark and root extract contained 37 and 50 phytochemicals with an aggregate of 80.77 % and 93.07 % respectively. Monoterpenes hydrocarbon (40.50 %), oxygenated monoterpenes (12.66 %), sesquiterpenes hydrocarbon (13.79 %) and oxygenated sesquiterpenes were found in Juniperus thurifera leaf extract while Juniperus thurifera stem bark and root extract contains monoterpenes hydrocarbon (48.72 %, 51.33 %), oxygenated monoterpenes (14.88 %, 20.49 %), sesquiterpenes hydrocarbon (10.71 %, 14.25 %) and oxygenated sesquiterpenes (6.56 %, 7.88 %) respectively. It was concluded that Juniperus thurifera leaf, stem bark and root ethanolic extract contains several secondary metabolites which can be used for the treatment of diseases without causing any deleterious effect on the environment and general performance of animals.

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