
Purpose: Encryption algorithm allows users to extend the assurance found in the physical world to the electronic world in the carrying out of our day-to-day activities. This research attempts to make a comparative evaluation of two encryption algorithms (Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Rivest Shamir Algorithm (RSA) in order to ascertain the most reliable in terms of their encryption time, decryption time, Key length, and cipher length.
 Methodology: Java programming was used for the development and Mongo Db to generate data parsing.
 Findings: The results obtained from the development revealed that AES is considered more efficient because it uses lesser time for encryption and decryption, reduces cipher and key length as compared with RSA which consumes longer encryption and decryption time, and increases cipher and key length. Excel package was also used to display the pictorial representation of the comparison between these algorithms.
 Recommendation: Advanced encryption standard is recommended for security-based application developers because of the small time of encryption and decryption.

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