
Quadcopter UAVs are increasingly used for military and civilian applications such as surveillance, reconnaissance, pesticide spraying, and traffic monitoring due to their simplicity of operation, ease of attitude adjustment, and ability to take off and land vertically. The flight control system is the key to the aircraft's ability to perform flight tasks. However, when faced with external disturbances, obstacles, and uncertain parameters, traditional PID control is unable to meet the demands of complex flight tasks. Research on more advanced control strategies is the trend of future development. This paper surveys the flight control methods of quadrotor UAVs in the past two decades and classifies and introduces these methods one by one. Finally, the experimental feasibility of these methods is discussed, the advantages and disadvantages of these methods are briefly compared, and the future development trend of UAV flight control systems is analyzed. An important reference is provided for the development of quadrotor UAV flight control algorithm research.

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