
The overall folded (global) structure of mRNA may be critical to translation and turnover control mechanisms, but it has received little experimental attention. Presented here is a comparative analysis of the basic features of the global secondary structure of a synthetic mRNA and the same intracellular eukaryotic mRNA by dimethyl sulfate (DMS) structure probing. Synthetic MFA2 mRNA of Saccharomyces cerevisiae first was examined by using both enzymes and chemical reagents to determine single-stranded and hybridized regions; RNAs with and without a poly(A) tail were compared. A folding pattern was obtained with the aid of the MFOLD program package that identified the model that best satisfied the probing data. A long-range structural interaction involving the 5' and 3' untranslated regions and causing a juxtaposition of the ends of the RNA, was examined further by a useful technique involving oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography and antisense oligonucleotides. DMS chemical probing of A and C nucleotides of intracellular MFA2 mRNA was then done. The modification data support a very similar intracellular structure. When low reactivity of A and C residues is found in the synthetic RNA, approximately 70% of the same sites are relatively more resistant to DMS modification in vivo. A slightly higher sensitivity to DMS is found in vivo for some of the A and C nucleotides predicted to be hybridized from the synthetic structural model. With this small mRNA, the translation process and mRNA-binding proteins do not block DMS modifications, and all A and C nucleotides are modified the same or more strongly than with the synthetic RNA.

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