
The major purpose of this research is to analyze and asses effect of COVID-19 impact on the frequency of using digital payment methods. The research was divided into five sections: volume and frequency of payment methods, payment methods characteristic and their fulfilment, technological trust of payment methods, expected changes in digital payment in the next 5 years, implementation of restrictions related to COVID-19 for the after the epidemic period. The post COVID-19 study was conducted in March 2022 in the form of a survey among university students. Data for pre COVID-19 study come from the author's article "Digital payment methods within Polish students - leading decision characteristics" from 2020 (survey conducted in November 2019). Main conclusions of the study (compared to pre COVID-19): there has been a significant reduction of popularity of cash payments, payments made via e-banking (web access), payments made with physical credit / debit card; has been a noticeable decline in the number of transactions made by respondents; respondents do not support forcing others to use only digital payment methods; despite the massive use of digital payments, respondents expect the spread of technologies ensuring anonymity in digital payments in the future.

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