
Purpose. To work out an algorithm of an entrepreneur business process optimization in order to systemize and ensure the quality of implementation of key business processes of an insurer as the condition of increasing his/her level of economic security in a turbulent business environment. Methodology. In the study there were used general scientific and specific methods of cognition, in particular: logical colligation, analysis, dialectic synthesis and grouping, induction and deduction, process approach, factor analysis, graphical visualization, economic-mathematical modelling. Findings. The necessity of business process optimization for an insurer was established as a strategically important subject of market relationship development. A logical-structural scheme of interconnection of the main business processes of an insurer is formed; the processes are gradually implemented by stages of insurance services progress, risks underwriting, reinsurance, effecting of an insurance agreement, forming and placing insurance funds and settlement of losses. The main structural elements of the insurers business process optimization were systemized. The methodical approach to the insurers business processes reengineering was proposed on the basis of the games theory just to form a new model of business processes and to increase its optimization process effectiveness. Originality. An algorithm of the insurers business process optimization was worked out, which includes the process of their planning, diagnostics, implementation of changes and monitoring just to increase the quality of key business process realization as the condition for ensuring economically safe functioning of the business entity. Practical value. The practical value is in the possibility to use them in insurance companies activities, which will ensure their sustainable functioning and development in the strategic perspective.

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