
MotivationAdaptive immune receptor (AIR) repertoires (AIRRs) record past immune encounters with exquisite specificity. Therefore, identifying identical or similar AIR sequences across individuals is a key step in AIRR analysis for revealing convergent immune response patterns that may be exploited for diagnostics and therapy. Existing methods for quantifying AIRR overlap scale poorly with increasing dataset numbers and sizes. To address this limitation, we developed CompAIRR, which enables ultra-fast computation of AIRR overlap, based on either exact or approximate sequence matching.ResultsCompAIRR improves computational speed 1000-fold relative to the state of the art and uses only one-third of the memory: on the same machine, the exact pairwise AIRR overlap of 104 AIRRs with 105 sequences is found in ∼17 min, while the fastest alternative tool requires 10 days. CompAIRR has been integrated with the machine learning ecosystem immuneML to speed up commonly used AIRR-based machine learning applications.Availability and implementationCompAIRR code and documentation are available at https://github.com/uio-bmi/compairr. Docker images are available at https://hub.docker.com/r/torognes/compairr. The code to replicate the synthetic datasets, scripts for benchmarking and creating figures, and all raw data underlying the figures are available at https://github.com/uio-bmi/compairr-benchmarking.Supplementary information Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

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