
Compaction management, also referred to as intelligent compaction (IC), is a real time automatic operation adjustment and continuous compaction control technology of soils or asphalt layers. It is essentially a technology for optimization and evaluation of the compaction process, being capable of adjusting the compaction energy applied to the material, increasing or decreasing compaction efficiency in the necessary areas according to an acceptance target value, thus attaining maximum stiffness, while preventing overcompaction and minimizing the total number of passes. This study seeks to assess in a case study the IC performance, in comparison with conventional compaction methods in terms of efficiency in compaction of a sandy soil. For this purpose, a specific experimental section was carried out in which the performance of an IC compactor was compared with a conventional heavier class compactor. Data was obtained and analysed by the IC continuous information, as well as by the application of several different conventional compaction control tests and methods. Results show that the IC technology presents a superior performance, as well as various advantages when compared to conventional compactors.

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