
The Chamblin-Reall background is a static solution of Einstein gravity coupled with a background scalar field and a dynamical domain wall, with the potential of the scalar field being of Liouville type. It can be got by dimensionally reducing a higher dimensional background with a constant potential. Compactified AdS black holes are black hole backgrounds constructed by wrapping one or more spatial directions of a higher dimensional AdS black hole on a torus and then integrating them out. The compactified AdS black hole background is asymptotically flat, non-conformal, and of Chamblin-Reall type. In this work, we derive all the 7 dynamical second-order transport coefficients for the relativistic fluids dual to compactified AdS black holes of various dimensions via fluid/gravity correspondence. Through this work, we achieve three main goals: (1) We prove that all the gravitational backgrounds that can be used to extract analytical results for second-order transport coefficients hitherto are all Chamblin-Reall type backgrounds. (2) We generalize the results in previous studies on the second-order transport coefficients of the relativistic fluids dual to 5-dimensional Chamblin-Reall model into general dimensions. (3) We offer a thorough study on the Kanitscheider-Skenderis proposal and find its physical accounts.

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