
The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) is a 6 GeV diffraction-limited synchrotron light source under construction in Beijing. It will use five 166.6 MHz superconducting radio frequency (rf) cavities to accelerate the 200 mA electron beam in the storage ring. In the current lattice design, each straight section is 6 meters long to accommodate two 166.6 MHz cavities. The cavity adopts β=1 quarter-wave geometry, and the damping of the higher order modes is realized by using an enlarged cavity beam pipe to 505 mm and a ferrite absorber installed on the beam pipe. The low rf frequency, as well as the large beam aperture, added great challenges to the design of the 166.6 MHz cavity module to fit into a strictly limited longitudinal space. In addition, heat load optimization for the transition from room temperature to the cryogenic temperature, smooth tapering from the 505 mm beam aperture to the small diameter of the gate valves for impedance control, proper collimation of the synchrotron light to prevent thermal damage of delicate components, are also demanding requirements for a compact design. Accessibilities are also preserved for tuners and vacuum components to enable online maintenance. Finally, rf field leakage in the vacuum seal groove of the cavity is carefully examined to prevent overheating on the superconducting flange, which, in the worst scenario, may cause a thermal runaway, thus limiting the achievable accelerating gradient of the cavity. This paper presents the first compact design of the 166.6 MHz srf section for HEPS.

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