
RESUMO: Apesar dos beneficios que brincar pode trazer as criancas, mudancas nas estruturas sociais tem marcadamente reduzido as oportunidades de brincar na escola e fora dela. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar como aulas de Educacao Fisica, que oferecam oportunidades de brincar para as criancas podem colaborar com o desenvolvimento infantil. Foram oferecidas 74 aulas com brincadeiras para 59 criancas, entre 2 e 5 anos de idade, atendidas em periodo Integral em uma Instituicao de Ensino Infantil, publica, na periferia de uma cidade do interior de Sao Paulo. As interacoes da crianca com o meio ambiente foram enriquecidas com a introducao de oportunidades para brincar. Isto auxiliou as criancas a exporem suas emocoes e controla-las. Atributos pessoais e relacionamentos sociais foram aperfeicoados tambem. E proposto que tais instituicoes providenciem mais oportunidades para as criancas brincarem e se desenvolverem. HOW TO PLAY MAY IMPROVE CHILD PRESCHOOLER’S DEVELOPMENT ABSTRACT: Despite the benefits derived from play for children, changes in the current social structure have markedly reduced play opportunities for them. They had few opportunities to play at school and outside. The purpose of this study was to investigate how physical education class, that offers play opportunities for the kids, could help to improve child development. It was offered 74 classes, with play and playthings, to 59 children from 2 to 5 years old from a public Child Day Care Center, in a neighborhood from a city of Sao Paulo. Child interactions with the environment were  enriched by the introduction of play opportunities. It helps children to expose their emotions, taking control of it. Personal attributes and social relationships were also improved. It is proposed that those centers could provide more play and playthings experience to enhance child development.

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