
Commuting is regularly recurring movement between one's place of residence and place of employment, or research, and in doing so exceed the boundaries of their residential group. The research focuses on the urban – rural bus service commuter’s satisfaction level in the selected settlements in the Municipality of Estancia. Estancia is to represent the Northern part of Western Visayas. This is still in a developing stage, which is yet to reach the advance level of large town. The main objectives are to evaluate the public transport service quality through commuter’s satisfaction survey. A total of 100 questionnaire forms are collected. The result indicates socio – demographic trip characteristics that have affected the level of satisfaction and aspirations of the commuters for potential terminal improvements. It was assessed as acceptability in terms of existing terminal operations, environment, architectural design and location. It offers a deeper understanding of the commuter’s attitude towards public transport and the sense of convenience in public transport services. Other than that, it was found that there is a difference between modes of transport in terms of commuter’s preferences over public transport. The result will help to improve the quality of operation of transport providers according to the satisfaction, expectations of the various modes of transport and acts as a guide for possible public transport terminal construction.

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