
Commutative Properties of Black Bodies Ajibola Tolase (bio) I chose a bullet as the answerto the multichoice question on speed and velocity. I knewI was right because if sound travels faster, then Blackbodies will hear the bullet knocking the door of their skinsthe moment before impact. My knowledge is not physics.It is Shaft saying, “relax, if you hear the shot,it’s not for you.” In becoming a man of science,I learned science takes its wisdom from the street.Textbooks define a blackbody as an idealized physical bodythat absorbs all incident radiations. Black bodies are blackbodies. Which is why science explains Blackdeath as Black bodies absorbing bullets. Stephen Hawking argues a blackbodyis an entity from which nothing can escape. [End Page 133] Which by commutation could mean Blackbodies can escape nothing. If all blackbody propositions are true, it means I,a Black body, cannot escape insults at the cash register in departmentstores is the same as I, a Black body, absorb insults at the cash registerin department stores. Stay with me; see where I’m going with this.A whitebody is an entity that emits particles completely and uniformlyin all directions. This brings about equilibrium only because blackbodyemission is negligible. [End Page 134] Ajibola Tolase Ajibola Tolase is a Nigerian poet and essayist. He graduated from the MFA Program in Creative Writing at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. His chapbook, Koola Lobitos (Akashic Books), was published in spring 2021 as a part of the New Generation African Poets Series edited by Kwame Dawes and Chris Abani. His work has appeared in American Chor-data, Literary Hub, Prairie Schooner, and elsewhere. He is a 2021–2023 Stegner Fellow at Stanford University. Copyright © 2021 Middlebury college

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