
Purwoharjo Village, Samigaluh Sub-district, KulonProgo Regency located at the altitude of 500 meters lies on the breccias rock, limestone, and alluvium, The number of population is 3392 inhabitants. The most potential water source in the village is spring. The increasing number of population does not meet the availability of water in the area. The harmonization among the water sources, natural condition, and community are essential to achieve the optimal conservation strategy to sustain the good access of water in Purwoharjo Village. This research aims to analyze the characteristics of spring (spring's type, water quantity, and water quality) and to investigate the community-based spring conservation in Purwoharjo Village. The methods used were quantitative and qualitative. The data used in these two analysis gained by survey, interview, and laboratory method. The study was conducted in five springs which have the highest discharge in Purwoharjo Village. Water quality was analyzed based on pH, COD, BOD, DO, TDS, TSS, CaCo3 turbidity and total coliform and compared to water quality standard class I Governor Regulation Of DIY Number 20 the Year 2008. The type of springs based on the flow consistency of these five springs was perennial spring because the water spring flowed both in rainy and dry season even though the discharge was fluctuated depend on the rainfall. Based on the discharge, these five springs were categorized as class VI ranging from 0.171 to 0.323 l/sec. Based on the gravitational power, the type of these five springs was fractured springs that are formed due to the rock cracks cut by the slope (topography). Springs conservation has been carried out by the community in Purwoharjo village in order to protect and preserve the water source, preserve the spring water, and manage the spring water quality as well as control the contamination in the spring.

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