
We study how to jointly recover community structure and estimate interaction probabilities of gossip opinion dynamics. In this process, agents randomly interact pairwise, and there are stubborn agents never changing their states. Such a model illustrates how disagreement and opinion fluctuation arise in a social network. It is assumed that each agent is assigned with one of two community labels, and the agents interact with probabilities depending on their labels. The considered problem is to jointly recover the community labels of the agents and estimate interaction probabilities between the agents, based on a single trajectory of the model. We first study stability and limit theorems of the model, and then propose a joint recovery and estimation algorithm based on a trajectory. It is verified that the community recovery can be achieved in finite time, and the interaction estimator converges almost surely. We derive a sample-complexity result for the recovery, and analyze the estimator’s convergence rate. Simulations are presented for illustration of the performance of the proposed algorithm.

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