
In November 2004 a catastrophic windstorm destroyed a large part of the spruce forest in the Tatra National Park (Slovakia). The majority of the windthrown area was cleared; only a small part was left uncleared, thereby allowing regeneration by natural succession. The aim of the present study was to assess the impact of the different forestry practices on soil Oribatida. Three different stands were selected for the study, where sampling took place in June and October 2006: control forest stands (REF), windthrown stands left for natural development (NEX) and clear-cut windthrown stands (EXT). The mean abundance of Oribatida recorded in REF and NEX stands was significantly higher than in EXT stands. Kruskal-Wallis test of mean abundance of adults as well as juveniles confirmed significant influence of treatment and date. The highest abundance of adults was found in control forest stands (REF). Post hoc multiple comparison proved significantly lower abundance of adults in clear-cut stands (EXT) compared with REF. The mean abundance of adults and juveniles was several times higher in stands left for natural development (NEX) than in EXT stands. The highest species richness was observed in REF, followed by NEX and EXT stands. Ordination method showed differences in species composition between studied treatments. Furthermore, a much lower abundance of Hermannia gibba, a dweller of leaf litter and upper soil layers, was recorded in cleared stands compared to the other stands. Indeed, windthrown stands had an obvious lower species richness than control stands. The ordination method used demonstrated a significant influence of both treatment and sampling date on the abundance and species richness of Oribatida. The present study showed that clear-cutting of wind-damaged spruce forest markedly decreases the abundance of soil Oribatida compared with windthrown forest stands left to natural succession.

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