
Kidnapping and hostage taking for ransom has become ubiquitous in various parts of the society and it is now more prevalent in developing societies and these has led to a security gap which the culprits are taking advantage of in perfecting their crime. This gap could be as result of inefficient and ineffective strategy been adopted by the security agents. This has resulted to a security challenge to the country and has caused the economy to dwindle. Community policing is a strategy of policing that focuses on police building ties and working closely with members of the communities. It is a policy that requires police to inherit a proactive approach to address public safety concerns. The study was anchored on functionalist theory. Community policing creates partnerships between law enforcement agency and other organizations like government agencies, community members, nonprofit service providers, private businesses and the media. The media represent a powerful pattern by which the police can communicate with the community and that enhances a cordial police-public relations. Community policing recognizes that police cannot solve every public safety problem alone, so interactive partnerships are created. The police use the public for developing problem-solving solutions and generating information. The overall assessment of community oriented policing is positive, as both officers and community members attest to its effectiveness in reducing crime and raising the sense of security in a community. Community policing calls for long-term commitment and partnership between the Police-public in curbing kidnapping and other criminal activities. The study therefore recommends that community policing skills should be integrated into the training curricula of the Nigerian police force. All personnel must become skilled in the techniques of problem solving, motivating, and team-building. Training should involve the entire agency and should include civilian personnel who can enlist participation in community meetings, help the police organization sharpen its marketing message, and incorporate sophisticated technology into the organization’s service-oriented operations.

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