
Mangrove forest has many functions, such as prevention of coastal erosion and seawater intrusion, reduce the risk of hurricane and tsunami, the place for spawning, nursery, and feeding grounds of marine biota, carbon storage, and direct use for human. However, many functions that mangrove has, unsustainable utilization of mangrove make the area of mangrove has decreased. The mangrove forest of Jatikontal, Purwodadi District, Jawa Tengah is studied as a case area that has suffered from degradation and declining the area during some years. Whereas, the south coast of Purworejo has a high risk of a tsunami. This research has aims to know the perception and behaviour of a community with the mangrove forest. The method of collecting data use the questionnaire giving to 30 respondents in Bendo, Jatikontal sub-district. Respondent is chosen with the purposive technique. The result of this study is as much 83.3% respondents have good perception, 16,7% respondents have moderate perception, and no respondent has a low perception of the sustainability of mangrove forests. Most of the community (66,7%) in Dukuh Bendo have a high concern for the preservation of mangrove forests. No single respondent is not concerned about the preservation of mangrove forests.

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