
The problem studied in this research is perception the company about Social and political dynamics in Polewali Mandar regency . This research uses a quantitative descriptive research design to explain qualitative research phenomena. For this reason, the research approach uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods for community perceptions of social and political dynamics in Polewali Mandar Regency . The data collection techniques used were surveys, interviews and observations. The research results show that, based on the research results, it can be concluded that perception the company about the social and political dynamics in Polewali Mandar Regency which includes social conditions, economic conditions, political conditions, security conditions, law enforcement conditions, regional government performance, general problems and special problems are good, this is marked by the greatest number of several evaluation indicators of The various conditions that occur in society are in good percentage . Meanwhile, the lowest value of the indicator is a bad rating. Community perception of social and political dynamics of residents of Polewali Mandar regency seen from the perspective of functionalism theory It is very diverse, there are some people who have positive perceptions and others who have negative perceptions accompanied by factors that influence it , but overall, in the socio-political dynamics that occur, the Polwali community Mandar has a positive response .

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