
Women who engage in criminal activities often face a complex set of challenges that go beyond the legal consequences of their actions. Society's perception of criminal women is often harsherthan that of their male counterparts, as women are traditionally viewed as caregivers and nurturers rather than as criminals. This perception is shaped by cultural and social norms, media representation,and individual biases. In this essay, we will explore the community's perception towards criminal women and the factors that influence it. These representations contribute to the stigmatization of criminal women, making it more difficult for them to reintegrate into society after serving their sentences. In this research, it is discussed how women in society are forced to commit a crime and what are the factors which make them do so. One of the factors that shape community perception towards criminal women is the nature of their offences. Women who engage in violent crimes are often viewed as more dangerous and threatening than those who commit non-violent offences.

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