
This study aimed to disclose the bacterial diversity succession during the co-composting of manure and crop residues and to provide new insight into the role of community-level dormancy potential in diversity succession. Illumina sequencing and PICRUSt-estimated metagenomes were used for this purpose. The bacterial richness and phylogenetic diversity decreased in the early and middle stages of composting and were maintained to a stable status in the late stage. Both composting phases and raw materials impacted the aforementioned alpha diversity significantly, while the composting phases had a greater (80%–94%) impact than the raw materials (1%–18%). Bacterial beta-diversity succession exhibited selectivity as the composting proceeded, and the dominant taxa changed into salt- and heat-resistant genera such as Bacillus, Glycomyces, and Halocella. Meanwhile, Georgenia, Actinomadura, and Ruminofilibacter were identified as the dominant predictor taxa of bacterial community succession in composting. Roughly, the abundance of genes underlying dormancy strategies, including sporulation factors (spo0A gene), toxin–antitoxin systems (dinJ/yafP, mazF/E, hipA/O, and relA/E genes), and resuscitation-promoting factors (rpfC gene), increased as composting proceeded and reached the highest in the thermophilic or maturation phases. Co-occurring relationships between bacterial communities and genes underlying dormancy strategies in different composting phases comprised multiple associations dominated by positive edges (50%–97%). The stability in genes underlying dormancy strategies and aggregate dormancy potential had a positive linear correlation with that in bacterial beta diversity (R2 = 0.26–0.42; P < 0.05), but not related significantly to that in richness and phylogenetic diversity. This study highlighted the importance of understanding how community-level dormancy strategies mediated microbial succession in composting to better predict compost maturity and product quality.

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