
In June 1996, the National Research Council (NRC) formed the Committee on Major U.S. Oceanographic Research Programs to foster coordination among the large programs (e.g., World Ocean Circulation Experiment, Ocean Drilling Program, Ridge Interdisciplinary Global Experiment, and others) and examine their role in ocean research. In particular, the committee is charged with (1) enhancing information sharing and the coordinated implementation of the research plans of the major ongoing and future programs; (2) assisting the federal agencies and ocean sciences community in identifying gaps, as well as appropriate followon activities to existing programs; (3) making recommendations on how future major ocean programs should be planned, structured and organized; and (4) evaluating the impact of major ocean programs on the understanding of the oceans, development of research facilities, education, and collegiality in the academic community.The activity was initiated at the request of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Ocean Sciences, is overseen by the NRC's Ocean Studies Board (OSB), and is funded by both NSF and the Office of Naval Research.

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