
Pare Village, Selogiri District, Boyolali Regency, has a high enough beef cattle, which serves as an opportunity for the community to be developed through an improved economy from beef cattle fattening, both from the main product in the form of meat and the by-products in the form of livestock manure. The utilization of livestock manure into organic fertilizer does not only increases income but also creates environmentally friendly conditions. This study aims to increase the knowledge and skills of farmers through training on the production technology of organic and liquid fertilizers in order to increase their income. It was carried out on May 20th to 16th September 2021 and the method used include Focus Group Discussions (FGD), counseling, training on production technology of organic and liquid fertilizers as well as demonstration plots of both. The materials used in processing organic fertilizers include livestock manure, urea, stardec, and a dolomite while liquid fertilizers include urine empon-empon (galangal, temu ireng, ginger, kencur, turmeric, sambiloto, garlic, dlingo and bengle), molasses and EM4. The result showed an increase in the knowledge of farmers after attending extension and training on the manufacture of these fertilizers which helps to increase the welfare of the community. In conclusion, people in Pare become more empowered with the application of organic fertilizer production technology such that there is an increase in community income.

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