
Nanggerang Village is one of the seventh villages in the Tajurhalang District, Bogor Regency, Java Province, which often experiences flooding. The decrease in infiltration land due to changes in land use and poor waste management patterns in the area causes flooding to become increasingly threatening. Therefore, there needs to be community empowerment at Nanggerang Village in reducing potential floods through biopore infiltration hole training and development. The first step in this community empowerment activity is to instill an understanding of waste management that corresponds to its type; the following action is by conducting training in making biopore absorption holes as a preventive measure in preventing flooding. The activity was carried out on April 15, 2021, involving ten representatives from each RW in Nanggerang Village. The result of community service is the installation of 10 biopore. Based on the post-test results, the post-test shows that after the extension and training activities, the occurrence of increased public knowledge on waste management and practical theories about biopore infiltration holes, as well as the ability of the community in making biopore infiltration holes.

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