
To foster community engaged research in the communities most impacted by COVID-19, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) formed 21 teams of Community Engagement Alliance Against COVID-19 Disparities (CEAL). The national CEAL initiative developed a Common Survey to investigate attitudes and behaviors to the COVID-19 vaccine and clinical trials. This article describes survey implementation at the Chicagoland CEAL Program (CCP). This community-based participatory research project was the result of a strong collaboration between academic institutions, and a community-based non-profit health equity-focused partner organization. The survey implementation was developed and refined with strong input from CHWs, participants, and staff in the partner organizations and institutions. Survey data were collected with Qualtrics, a web-based survey tool. Survey implementation resulted in data collection for 852 participants during the period 12/18/2021-02/18/2023. Excluding participants on the basis of missing data resulted in a sample of 690, 601 of which (87.10%) indicated that they had received at least one dose or intended to get vaccinated. Overall, 54 (7.83%) respondents reported that they had not received the vaccine and were not planning to. Hard to reach populations present two unique challenges in emerging infectious disease events. Reaching populations vulnerable to poor outcomes with vaccines was essential to addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, learning about barriers and hesitancy toward vaccine uptake is difficult in these communities. CCP's partnership of five academic institutions, a community research center, and a community-based non-profit health equity-focused organization shows what is possible when traditional models of research and inquiry are reconsidered for community-based participatory research. Results shown here are drawn from a collaboratively designed and implemented survey, collected in person, with over 90% completion.

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