
Abstract Description of the Paper Community based HSE project is a new strategic approach in Eni-NAOC (Ente Nationale Idrocarburi - Nigerian Agip Oil Company) activities to address host community issues and achieve beneficial goals in the Niger Delta. Eni-NAOC main community based projects are numerous. The following have been chosen for this paper: Kalabile-Ama mangrove rehabilitation Gas Master Plan Okpai Power Plant Green River Cottage Hospital Ologoama These projects are multi sector related and provide integrated benefits to stakeholders participating to the initiatives. Application To demonstrate that, through carefully planned community based projects, NAOC has improved the HSE aspects connected to the operational activities and the relationship with the stakeholders. Results The paper provides an in depth description and analysis of the major community projects developed and the related outcomes: Environmental risk mitigation and protection Technology transfer and host community economic empowerment Improvement in living conditions, public health & hygiene Environmental risk mitigation and protection conservation of natural resources through reforestation, land development practices, utilization of gas and reduction of wasteful flaring and GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions. Technology transfer and host community economic empowerment skills acquisition and transfer of basic technology at the grassroots through direct training and apprenticship and agric extension services, provision of gainful employment opportunities, with the beneficial rewards of sustainable development, reduction in rural-urban migration, reduction in host community hostility towards company, reduction in conflicts and activity disruption. Improvement in living conditions, public health & hygiene access to clean water and air, improvement in food availability and quality; access to health care, improvement in living conditions, availability of basic housing. Observations Awareness campaigns and human resource development are the necessary ingredients for the successful implementation of HSE Community based Projects in Niger Delta operational environment. Conclusions Strategic HSE projects that are community based are positively impacting on the business environment and are increasingly being solicited and supported by host stakeholders, Governments and Civil Institutions. Eni-NAOC has improved the HSE aspects relating to operational activities; such improvement has led to a better operational environment and better living conditions in the host communities and of the peoples, and a consequential beneficial improvement in the relationship with stakeholders.

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