
Part 1 Alternative perspectives on community studies. Part 2 Community studies - the societal context: societal types contemporary societal fragmentation explanations for societal fragmentation changing nature of local communities. Part 3 Areal content of communities: summarizing community character measuring social structures residential area change classifying communities - the qualitative perspective. Part 4 Interactions, social networks and communities: domains and dimensions of behaviour perspectives from social network analysis neighbourhood dependent groups neighbourhood effects on behaviour. Part 5 The social construction of communities - creating and identifying senses of place: literature as a source of a sense of place cognitive variations perspectives from socio-semiotics extending the sense of place - affective dimensions applications. Part 6 Community development: the conscious development of communitites in cities reasons for community development alternative delivery systems charity and philanthropic assistance technical assistance the self-help approach critical or conflict approach. Part 7 Service provision and communities: provision of retail goods and services schools leisure and social facilities health caresystems the caring community crime and policing community associations and actions. Part 8 Physical design and communities: origins of community based design upper class segregation in romantic rural suburbs model towns and garden cities rival approaches - cities of towers and neighbourhood unit planning contemporary design for suburban residential units niche communities. Part 9 Conclusions - understanding community.

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