
Understanding and implementation of communicative teaching is an urgent need of student practice, which is dictated by the requirements of our time. Since it is the communicative approach that corresponds to the goal of teaching communication. The study of communicative direction is an integral part in the work of a practicing teacher. Therefore, it is advisable to study foreign and Ukrainian experience, determine what is necessary and valuable and what slows down the process of foreign language communication.
 The purpose of communicative teaching is to prepare and adapt the student to participate in the process of foreign language communication created in groups. The famous communicative method theorist E. Passov interpreted this method as follows: The learning process is a model of the communication process". [1, 101p.].
 To create a learning process as a model of the process of communication means to simulate the basic, fundamentally important, essential parameters of communication, including:
 - personal nature of the subject's communicative activity;
 - content basis of the process of communication;
 - situations as forms of functioning of communication;
 - system of speech means, which should be learned to provide communicative activity in a situational foreign;
 - functional nature of the assimilation and use of speech means;
 - heuristic (variety of connections, providing speech dynamics and flexibility in the use of speech resources).

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