
It was established that the British direction of informing about the Ukrainian national movement was an integral part of the program of the activities of the Ukrainian Information Committee (Lviv, 1912) to familiarize Europe with the situation of Ukrainians in two empires. The reasons that complicated the distribution of adequate information about Ukraine in the British information space were revealed. They lay in both the plane of British society and the socio-political situation in Ukraine. The importance of the research of the English Slavist W.R. Morfill is singled out. The establishment of contacts between Ukrainian politicians and the representatives of the English press has been followed, and the purpose of the creation and operation of the Ukrainian Committee in London has been outlined. It is established that the range of communicative tools available to Ukrainian politicians at the beginning of the twentieth century. included interpersonal contacts, press organs, public lectures, public institutions. Due to the press performances, the British knowledge of Ukraine on the scientific and academic format (Slavist W.R Morfill) was partially transformed into a popular science and political (journalist J. Raffalovich).

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