
The article deals with grounding of the use of English grammar tasks as a component of forming communicative competence in the students of higher medical educational institutions. The essence of grammar competence as an important component of the future medic's communicative competence is found out, and the need for learning grammar in order to be able to express one’s thoughts properly is emphasized. English communicative approach to medical students’ professional competence is an integral aspect of professionally oriented study at the higher medical educational institution, and is formed through mastering the specifics of language competence at its phonetic, lexical, and grammar levels, particular attention being focused on the analysis of scientifically grounded classification of the exercise system aimed at the formation of grammar competence as a fundamental basis for professionally targeted English course. The issues of semantic content for professionally targeted English, selection of training grammatical material, and development of communicative component in the process of students' mastering English language skills are under consideration. Main components of medical students' grammar competence are characterized; science-based classification of grammar tasks for the formation of English language communication is considered, the emphasis being put on the role of grammar for the proper formulation of thoughts. Both theoretical and methodological aspects of communicative approach to learning English grammar, which is studied through combining grammar, lexical, and phonetic phenomena, are covered. In particular, when teaching correct sentence construction, their semantic and thematic content are considered, grammar skills being formed both at the level of separate structures and fluent dialogue-monologue speech. The use of communicative type grammar tasks at professionally targeted classes of English has been found to develop speech skills and abilities that make possible to estimate and express one's thoughts along with training attention, memory, developing thinking and having high motivation characteristics.

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