
Research on the communication of traditional elite power relations and language power over silent groups in the deliberative culture of "Lonto Leok" of the Manggarai ethnic group aims to explore the culture of lonto leok and to find out the power relations of traditional elites with the community (silent groups). To achieve this goal, the researchers used a qualitative approach in order to get a variety of problems related to the object and subject of research. This research found that the lonto leok culture is a form of deliberation in the context of the Manggarai indigenous community, where the traditional elite has a very strong role in the social interaction of the Manggarai community. The position of the traditional elite and the power of language in lonto leok culture implicitly silence the lower layers of non-elite society, clearly illustrated in the patrilineal-genealogical structure of the local elite and the ritual language where all lonto leok participants are directed to always be one heart and soul and avoid differences of opinion. Language is not only a tool of communication, but also a tool of power that is not only for understanding, but because language is related to certain shared ideologies and values, it must be believed, fulfilled, obeyed, respected and recognized.

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