
As never before in the history of humankind, communication is digital and international today. Global digital communication skills determine access to information, economic potential and social wellbeing. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic having exacerbated digitalization trends demands for growing an inclusive and favorable digital culture for all users. Since COVID-19 imposed workplace shutdowns around the globe, the workforce has shifted online. Digital marketing and networking online nowadays should follow novel codes of conduct to share quality data. Good communication ethos is required for upholding e-ethics in anonymous virtual space that is also intruded by anonymous agents and noised by fake news and alternative facts. While network effects were gained through physical interaction and dense urban areas prior to COVID-19, nowadays we primarily meet in virtual online space of social media platforms. Socially distanced we have become virtually closer than ever before as we connect to re-inspire and thrive together on the web. Digital space is today’s business card that forms a virtual corporate identity. The design of the personal online homepage or digital media account grant social digital illusions in a virtual reality that can live eternally. Individuals must also be encouraged to use a right to delete information in anonymous virtual space to uphold e-ethics. The strict COVID-19 lockdowns, that were at a time enacted in all major economies, brought along online communities suddenly standing up for long-held dreams of equality. orporations are now under pressure of boycott threats and online censorship that has shifting from a historically governmental means to an online global collective soul’s judgment. Being scrutinized in a truly international digital arena drives corporations to integrate the wider stakeholder community. In an anonymous virtual space, freedom of speech should be ennobled by a culture of mutual respect and constructive critique codes of ethics.

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