
The relevance of the topic is that the development of the type of communication – sign and signal system, including based on the sensory characteristics of man as a whole organism – is an issue, at first glance, quite simple and obvious. But with the development of science, the rapid movement of scientific and technological progress, the emergence of theater, television– it turns out that the issue, in fact, is not fully disclosed, because it has its roots much deeper than it seems at first glance. The aim of the article is the direct cause-and-effect relationships between sign systems and communication in audiovisual culture. Methods such as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, concretisation and structuring of the obtained data were used. The article identifies one of the approaches to understanding communication in audiovisual culture. The specific features of modern media space are studied, its key characteristics are described. The problematic approach to the interpretation of communication as a separate plane for human interaction is pointed out. The issue of semiotic analysis of media space at three levels is studied. It was found that semiotic analysis allows identifying in more detail the way of organising, structuring the story and how the content is transmitted through the general architecture of the text. The problems of behavioural analysis of the framing effect are identified. It is established that the paralinguistic system acquires special significance as a method of media coding. It is confirmed that each film is the embodiment of a universal form of history.

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