
The youths are very important in the economic life of any society because they are the bridge between the present and the future. However, in Nigeria and in many developing countries, this important group is excluded from the economic activities because of certain age-long socio-cultural and political beliefs that subjugate the youths. The alienation and deprivation of the youth from the economic activities and the attendant that results led many youths into different anti-social behaviours and activities such as armed robbery, prostitution, kidnapping and hostage taking for ransom, thuggery, petroleum pipeline vandalisation, advanced fee fraud, among others. This paper discusses some of the issues militating against the economic emancipation of the youth and explains the role of communication in reversing the trend and bringing the youth into the mainstream of national development. The paper suggests that adoption of appropriate communication strategies can bring the youths into the centre stage of economic activities that will create an atmosphere for an even economic development.

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