
The occurrence and characteristics of contraception discussions with adolescents are unexplored. Our study sought to address this gap using transcripts of audiotaped healthcare visits. This study was a secondary analysis of 153 transcripts of medical visits with female adolescents with asthma. Medical visits took place among 4 outpatient clinics in North Carolina. Transcripts were reviewed for occurrence and characteristics of contraception discussions. Demographics were collected from adolescent interviews, caregiver questionnaires, and provider questionnaires. Contraception was mentioned in 3% (n=5) of office visits. Conversations about contraception included the topics of contraception efficacy (20%), contraception side effects (60%), contraception adherence (20%), and adolescent sexual health (20%). No conversations included the topics of contraception indication or alternative methods. Conversations about contraception occurred infrequently in healthcare visits. When conversations did occur, the topics that they covered lacked alignment with guideline recommendations.

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