
This research is an examination of whether there are contradictions in the cultural worldview of the Shona people as the proverbs they use seem to promote co-operation but at the same time they are those that apparently encourage individualism. It stems from the realisation that the Shona, just like other African cultural groups, adopt a communal approach to life shunning individualism. Since proverbs are an integral part of the people`s cultural values , they should be seen to be promoting the cherished values but ironically they are proverbs which seem to contradict each other in terms of the information they disseminate. The proverbs discussed in this research have been randomly selected from some written sources as well as from the researchers` own life experiences. The research methodology employed is the content analysis approach as it is relevant in the endeavour to unravel the philosophical inclinations of using the conflicting pairs. The contradictions that have been noted do not suggest that the Shona people live a confusing life but it shows that proverbs are chosen carefully in relation to the context. This in itself is a reflection of the flexibility on part of the Shona people to treat each case differently. The contradictory pairs point out to the fact that there are always different angles of viewing certain issues and situations. It is the context which determines the proverbs that ought to be used and this ensures that the people do not live within a confusing worldview. Key words: Shona people, Zimbabwe, Shona proverbs, Shona culture, individualism, cooperation.

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