
The present work focuses on the study of the ecological structure of the spatial distribution of floristic settlement of the mobile dunes on the northern and eastern regions of Morocco. This study is spread over 400km ² from Guercif dunes in the north to the large Merzouga dunes in the Sahara, with various sites in between : northeast of Missour, Midelt, Aïn Beni Mathar, Tendrara, Rich, Bouârfa, Boudnib and Erfoud. In the 12 stations studied, we identified 41 plant species in 38 genera and 11 families. We found for the second time in Morocco Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L.) Willd. and Onopordon algeriense (Munby) Pomel. in Figuig. The greater plant richness is in the sites of Figuig and Tendrara (13 taxa each). Merzouga site only has six taxa. A Correspondence Analysis run on vegetation data allowed us to identify a north-south geographical gradient. Three major floristic groups were observed. The first is formed by the northern sites (Guercif, NE of Missour, Midelt and Aïn Beni

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