
Cooperation between research communities and software-development teams has led to the creation of novel software. The purpose of this paper is to show an alternative work method based on the usage of ImageJ (http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/), which can be effectively employed in solving common microscopic and ultrastructural image analysis tasks. As an open-source software, ImageJ provides the possibility to work in a free-development/sharing world. Its very “friendly” graphical user interface helps users to manage and edit biomedical images. The on-line material such as handbooks, wikis, and plugins leads users through various functions, giving clues about potential new applications. ImageJ is not only a morphometric analysis software, it is sufficiently flexible to be adapted to the numerous requirements tasked in the laboratories as routine as well as research demands. Examples include area measurements on selectively stained tissue components, cell count and area measurements at single cell level, immunohistochemical antigen quantification, and immunoelectron microscopy gold particle count.

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