
In this paper, we analyze the reactions collected in a word association test. A total of 654 respondents participated. The test included twelve stimuli related to Oriental peoples, languages and countries. The test was done through an online survey. The respondents cited words or word groups that first came to their minds while reading the given stimuli. We aimed to answer the question: what our knowledge of Oriental peoples is based on and what stereotypesand prejudices we hold about them. The attention is paid to two of the stimuli from the test - Persians and Persian. We look at the frequency and the variety of respondents? reactions. Furthermore, we analyze groups of reactions that belong to the same thematic field. Our results were compared with other ethnonymsfrom the same association test, which had previously been analyzed in other research papers. The most frequent reaction was carpet/carpets, due to the common collocation Persian carpet. Frequent reactions to Iran/Iranians, history and historical figures were also found. The most significant thematic fields are the following: war, history, intellectual and cultural heritage, religion, politics and numerous positive and neutral judgments and attitudes. Therefore, it seems that our stereotypes, judgments, and attitudes about Persians are based on secondary sources, rather than primary. As a result, they lack affective meanings and negative connotations. According to respondents? reactions, Persians are seen as ancient warriors, founders of an old culture and civilization, a nation with a rich cultural and intellectual heritage, descendants of significant historical figures and holders of many qualities, such as wit, wisdom, dignity, nobility, and other.

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