
The sociological studies of the role of Puritan ethics in the creation of modern rational Western capitalism by Max Weber and of the influence of Protestantism on the development of modern world by Ernst Troeltsch both gain new actuality today due to the discussions of the multiple modernities and the dynamic changes in comparative-historical political sociology. These outstanding German scientists (among the first who in their works on the history of Protestantism given the common religious and doctrinal grounds of Protestant Reformation in Germany, on the one hand, and Northern Europe and America on the other) asked why this process led to such different political, social and cultural results in these countries. In answering this question, both German academics not only realized that the basic typological distinctions between churches and sects must be taken into account in the analysis of Western religious movements of modernity, but also formulate the principle of the dependence of forms of government and political culture of the countries and regions of Western Europe and Northern America on the dominant confession, the particular organization of religious life. and the corresponding ethos of religious-ethical everyday lifestyle. It is suggested in the article that the conceptual apparatus elaborated by Max Weber in the course of his comparative-historical investigation of the ways of appearance and the spreading of modernity in Germany, America, and Russia and the Ernst Troeltsch in the course of his comparative studies of Western Christianity may be successfully used together in the revealing of actual contemporary political problems, and in an analysis of contemporary models of political culture relative to the religious and cultural contexts of their formation and evolution.

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