
* 1 Introduction: Common Ground or Mutual Exclusion? Women's Movements in International Relations - Marianne Braig, Sonja Wolte * Part 1: Feminist political and theoretical practice - Between subversive transformation and appendix to patriarchal structures * 2. Women in International Relations: What Impact on the Discipline? - Marysia Zalewski * 3. Impact of the Global Women's Movement on International Relations - Has it Happened? What Has Happened? - Nighat Said Khan * 4. Accommodation or Transformation? Women's Movements and International Relations -Some remarks on Marysia Zalewski's and Nighat Said Khan's Contributions - Christa Wichterich * Part 2. Developing the Mainstream or Mainstreaming Women into Development? * 5. Mainstreaming Gender - a Critical Revision - Claudia v. Braunmuhl * 6. Reclaiming the Empowerment Discourse: A Challenge to Feminists - Carolyn Medel-Anonuevo * 7. Women's Interest in Social Policy - Rhetorics and Realities of Social Investment Funds - Renate Rott * Part 3. Instrumental silence? Women and Gender in conflict management theory and practice * 8. Engendering the Field of Conflict Management? Why Gender Does Not Matter! Thoughts from a Theoretical Perspective - Cordula Reimann * 9. Making a Difference? The Inclusion of Gender into Institutional Conflict Management Policies - Donna Pankhurst * 10. War in Empty Rooms and the Sudanese Women's Union - Fatima Ahmed Ibrahim * Part 4. Women's Human Rights - New Spaces for Women's Activism? * 11. Global Women's Politics: Towards the Globalizing of Women's Human Rights? - Uta Ruppert. * 12. Economic and Social Rights of Women - A West African Perspective - Akua Kuenyehia * 13. Claiming Rights and Contesting Spaces: Women's Movements and the International Women's Human Rights Discourse in Africa - Sonja Wolte * Part 5. Feminist Intrusions into the Discipline of International Relations ? - Perspectives from the Mainstream * 14. Difference and Dialogue in Development - Lothar Brock * 15. Feminism and Mainstream International Relations Theory - Harald Muller * 16. Feminism, Human Rights, and International Relations - Gert Krell

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