
DNA fingerprinting was performed on 72 strains of Aspergillus oryzae and 9 strains of Aspergillus sojae isolated from chu (China) or koji (Japan) mold inoculum used in the production of traditional Oriental fermented beverages or foods including soy sauce, miso, and sake. The cultures were deposited with the ARS Culture Collection (NRRL) between 1909 and 2001. PstI digests of total genomic DNA from each isolate were probed using the pAF28 repetitive sequence. All strains of A. sojae that we examined produced an identical DNA fingerprint and belong to the same DNA fingerprint group (GTAo-9). Strains of A. oryzae were distributed among 41 DNA fingerprint groups, including GTAo-12 represented by 11 strains, GTAo-19 represented by 5 strains, GTAo-5 and GTAo-15 each represented by 4 strains, and GTAo-8, GTAo-17, and GTAo-24 each represented by 3 strains. Thirty-three single strain isolates of A. oryzae produced unique fingerprints. Our data offer evidence suggesting that (1) the successful domestication of A. parasiticus genotypes yielding A. sojae occurred far less frequently than among genotypes of A. flavus var. oryzae; and (2) some Aspergillus genotypes employed in different fermentations and regions were derived from a common ancestral clonal population.

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