
In linguistics, common errors in writing, especially by the non-nativespeakers of English, are beneficial for analysis. Common errors written by theacademic journal contributors especially by the Indonesian authors are typical.Since English in Indonesia is a foreign language, the articles submitted to thejournal may have errors. When editing these articles, some common errors arefound. This research attempted to investigate common errors in English writtenby the academic journal contributors from Indonesia. It is a descriptive researchusing Error Analysis (EA) and Contrastive Analysis (CA) theories. The data weretaken from 15 articles submitted by the Indonesia contributors of the accreditedacademic journals Ventura published by STIE Perbanas Surabaya. First, they wereanalyzed before they were edited and then classified according to the types oferrors. From this, common errors were identified. After this, they were describedbased on the morphological and sentence levels. Finally, possible treatment can be asserted. The results show that there are six types of common errors such as morphological levels: a) Head-Modifier, b) Agreement, c) To-Infinitive andsentence level: Dangling, Agreement, Passive Construction, and Perfect Tense. Itcan be generalized that most of the common errors are due to L1 system so thatCA for L1 with L2 is required.Keywords: Linguistics, Error Analysis (EA), Constrastic Analysis (CA), L1, and L2, Indonesia

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