
There are an increasing number of controlled clinical trials and prospective studies, ongoing and recently completed, regarding management options for idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH). We present a Common Design and Data Element (CDDE) analysis of controlled and prospective IIH studies with the aim of aligning essential design and recommending data elements in future trials and enhancing data synthesis potential in IIH trials. We used PubMed and ClinicalTrials.gov to screen for ongoing and published trials assessing treatment modalities in people with IIH. After our search, we used the Nested Knowledge AutoLit platform to extract pertinent information regarding each study. We examined outputs from each study and synthesized the data elements to determine the degree of homogeneity between studies. The most CDDE for inclusion criteria was the modified Dandy criteria for diagnosis of IIH, used in 9/14 studies (64%). The most CDDE for outcomes was change in visual function, reported in 12/14 studies (86%). Evaluation of surgical procedures (venous sinus stenting, cerebrospinal fluid shunt placement, and others) was more common, seen in 9/14 studies (64%) as compared with interventions with medical therapy 6/14 (43%). Although all studies have similar focus to improve patient care, there was a high degree of inconsistency among studies regarding inclusion criteria, exclusion criteria, and outcomes measures. Furthermore, studies used different time frames to assess outcome data elements. This heterogeneity will make it difficult to achieve a consistent standard, and thus, making secondary analyses and meta-analyses less effective in the future. Consensus on design of trials is an unmet research need for IIH.

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