
The delivery of civil engineering projects in Malaysia largely has been be set by cost over run, schedule delays, shoddy workmanship. Previous studies have replete that most of the problems whichh inder the project success is related to the unfavourable contractual behaviour of the project key participants who do not adhere to and comply with the terms of the contract in project implementation. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors that hindered the success of civil engineering projects focusing on the aspect of contractual behavior of key participants. TheobjectiveofthisstudyistodeterminethecommoncontractualbehaviorofkeyparticipantsincivilengineeringprojectsinMalaysia.ThedataofthisstudywasobtainedfromprofessionalcivilengineerregisteredwithBoardofEngineersMalaysia(BEM)andGradeG7contractorsregisteredwiththeConstructionIndustryDevelopmentBoard(CIDB)viaaquestionnairesurvey.Basedontheresultfrom288questionnairesurvey,thisstudyhighlightedfive(5)contractualbehaviourofkeyparticipantswhichallthiswhilehinderedthecivilengineeringprojectsuccess.Theywerethedelayof interimpayment,delayofcontractor’sworkprogress,delayofissuingprojectinformation,ineffectivecommunicationbetweenengineerandcontractorandunauthorisedinstructions.Theseverityofcontractualbehaviors’occurrenceisimportanttobeempiricallyresearchedtounderstandthecontractualrootcausesthatlargelyaffectprojectperformanceandeventuallycan comprehensively be placed more concerned for improvement for future projects.

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