
Today the world goes through many challenges and difficulties which can only be addressed by science and knowledge, so the educational institution- which consists of a group of stages beginning with the pre-school stage through the primary and secondary stages and ending with the university stage represented by higher education institutions- shares the providing of the individual with knowledge which enables him/her address the requirements of life and this process entails a number of elements such as the existence of a student, a schoolteacher, a teacher, a professor and a scientific material whether theoretical or practical. The scientific institution, with its two types: the educational and the higher education, may face common challenges whether social, economic, political and cultural. Hence our research emerges trying to shed light on these challenges to find solutions for them via recommendations which the researchers have come up with in this research. in this research, the two researchers have adopted the analytical descriptive approach to achieve the goals of the research which has come up with a number of results the most prominent of which are the insufficient scientific buildings, the limited proficiency of the teaching staff together with the increase in failure rates among students in the education sector and the higher education in addition to that the curricula are old and do not fit the scientific and technological advances in schools and universities namely in the humanitarian studies.

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